Dom’s Story

Dominic_Pic_4On October 5, 2009 Dominic Murray, a seemingly healthy 17 year‐old, collapsed on the basketball court at Farmingdale State College during an open gym pick‐up game. Dominic was playing a game of 5 on 5. After attempting a routine lay‐up Dominic took three steps and collapsed on the court. Within minutes following his collapse Dominic started gasping, gurgling, and experienced seizure‐like motions. Dominic was unresponsive. He had no pulse. All signs of a sudden cardiac arrest.  Dominic’s symptoms went unrecognized by all around him. Every minute counts to save the life of someone in sudden cardiac arrest. Time was not on Dominic’s side on that cold October evening. On that night, Dominic embraced his first love, basketball, for the last time. His college experience lasted a mere seven weeks.

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